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My name is Rachael and I'm the owner of Rachael McCarthy Healing. Below is my story and how I've become a qualified practitioner. If you're looking for more information about the modalities themselves, keep scrolling to the bottom of this page. Sessions that I offer can be found on the treatments page.
Check out my Facebook and Instagram too, if you're feeling curious. 

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My Story


In the year of 2019,  I returned from overseas after travelling for a few years, I had done a lot of soul searching and self exploration, however I still had no idea what I was doing and very little idea about who I was anymore. You see, at this point in my life I had struggled with alcoholism for more than 10 years. My tendency towards addiction included drugs, alcohol, food and exercise. For more than 15 years I struggled with anorexia, body dysmorphia and disordered eating. I was on an off antidepressants for most of my teenage years and adult life, I experienced social anxiety and insomnia that prevented me from sleeping for weeks at a time.
Overall I felt as though my life wasn't really mine.
I might be oversharing, but I think it's important to mention because these are the issues in which I feel deeply passionate about. I would like to bring support and awareness to these topics that so many people struggle with, to put it out there that I am here to help others heal and overcome these problems.


I had been trying to get sober for about 5 years, over and over again but had never quite managed it. Until one day, it hit me so hard that I had no other option anymore. This was around the time Covid came along and the most challenging, yet rewarding chapter of my life began. 

The first few months were hell, let me tell you that, beating addiction is no walk in the park. At this point I hadn't discovered EFT or matrix Reimprinting yet, so I only had yoga, journaling, reiki, a few supportive friends and sheer determination to propel me toward my journey of sobriety. With every passing alcohol-free month, I began to notice that I was losing more and more of my conditioning and all the things that were not actually "Rachael". 
My intuition began to wake up and everything started to shift.


One morning at 3am, I had a dream about Emotional Freedom Techniques and a definitive message came through:  I needed to seek someone out who could teach me this technique. Despite never having heard of EFT before, I knew without a doubt that I needed to learn everything I could about it.

So, over the next year, I studied EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Past life work, Birth Reimprinting, foundations of Shamanism, Reiki level 2, crystal healing and tarot card reading, whilst practicing and utilizing these tools every day.
I had finally connected with my passion and soul purpose. To help others heal, just as I have. 


I have been sober for over 2 years now and through this, I have developed a deep, unshakeable love for myself, my body and my life.
My experiences throughout life thus far, have enabled me to have empathy, understanding and compassion around the struggles people face every day. Through these healing modalities I have shifted and cleared so many blocks, triggers, negative patterns and behaviours to make room for the person I am now. I feel that it is my purpose to be able to bring these gifts to others, to help you move through the muck in life, to allow the real you to come forth.


I'm a living breathing example and proof that this stuff actually works. If any of this resonates with you or what you are going through, please don't hesitate to reach out. I would love to work with you and it would be an honour to help you become your most authentic self.

My Approach

When working with someone, we will spend a bit of time getting know one another, where we will discuss your goals and what you wish to achieve through the session or sessions.
As a practitioner who has multiple modalities, I can tailor the session for each individual and their needs. 
EFT and matrix sessions are conducted from a seated position.
Energy healing is done for the client whilst they are lying down. 

All sessions are conducted fully clothed, in a safe and comfortable environment.

Reiki or energy healing sessions are great for relaxation, unblocking stuck energy, regulating the nervous system and gently healing the mind, body and spirit. Normally I will use a combination of hands on and hands off healing, combined with reiki symbols to channel energy to the client so they can heal.
Crystal healing sessions involve a reiki treatment with the use of crystals to activate chakras and accelerate the unblocking of negative or stuck energy, to promote deeper healing and relaxation. The crystals will be chosen based on your individual needs and goals.
I will program a selenite crystal for you during a crystal healing session. You can take this home with you and use it for protection, clearing of negative energies and assistance with your goal such as manifestation, letting go or even just helping with sleep.

For both types of energy healings I may use sage or palo santo to cleanse you and the space prior to or after the session, depending on the person and circumstances.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) sessions have a focus on clearing blockages and discharging intense emotional responses by tapping on the meridians and energy points of the body. Similar to the concept of acupuncture, however, I will be using my fingers instead of needles to tap on and activate these points.
We will use particular phrases and key words that are applicable to the issue you have whilst tapping.
Results can be felt as quickly as one full round of tapping, depending on the issue and can be used for anything from physical pain, self sabotaging habits and behaviours, intensely traumatic memories to simple business development and positive manifestation. 
Matrix Reimprinting (MR) sessions involve EFT tapping, however the purpose is to visit these traumatic or core memories (but not re-live them) that are responsible for negative programming. We will then use EFT to discharge intense emotions so we can safely work through these experiences. The aim is to identify the beliefs about self and the world based on the event.
We will resolve and reprogram the negative beliefs with various tools and approaches, to ensure you feel empowered, safe and in control. Matrix sessions can create lasting positive change and transform your life.
And it's really not as complex as it sounds :)

About the Therapies

What is Reiki?

I have studied Usui Reiki which is largely known in the West, however these are the other types of reiki.​

  1. Jikiden Reiki (Eastern Reiki)

  2. Karuna Reiki

  3. Lightarian Reiki

  4. Sekehem or Seichim Reiki

  5. Angelic Reiki

Usui Reiki is a traditional Japanese method of energy healing. It has become popular and widely used throughout the world as an effective method of addressing the whole person on a spiritual, physical, mental and emotional level. The Japanese word ‘reiki’ is translated as ‘universal life energy’ and is a way of working as a channel for this energy to heal self and others. When I work, I act a conduit for this healing energy, much like a tap and how water only passes through the tap when turned on.
The word healing is used in the sense of allowing oneself to rebalance, relax and re-center, giving the body perfect conditions to heal itself, which it has the innate ability to do so.
Reiki can be used to help with a variety of emotional, mental and physical illnesses or ailments and is a terrific way to give yourself the love and care you deserve. This is a deeply relaxing practice where I will place my hands on your body, focusing predominately on the chakras, the head, feet, legs and any other areas of concern. Use of crystals, symbols and mantras can also be utilized throughout the session, depending on the clients needs.

For best results it's recommended to commit to an hour or more as this gives me enough time to clear and rebalance your energy properly. 

What are Emotional Freedom Techniques?
This healing modality is most commonly known as its acronym EFT or Tapping. 
It is relatively 'new" when it comes to the field of holistic therapies but a large number of clinical and scientific trials already back it as an effective tool for healing and overcoming trauma, stress, anxiety, PTSD, addictions and depression.
Trauma and negative emotions disrupt the body’s energy system and if left unresolved they become major contributors to most physical pains and diseases.
EFT has provided thousands of people with relief from pain, disease and emotional issues. It has a similar concept to acupuncture that uses fingertip tapping on meridians instead of needles. This offers a painless and gentle approach to healing that can be done anywhere and by anyone.

The energetic meridians of the body are activated by tapping 7 times on each point with two or three fingers before moving to the next point. The entire process can be done as many times as necessary, starting from the Karate chop point then to the top of the head, working your way down and finishing at the hand and fingers.
Tapping is combined with words and phrases specific to each individual's issue to allow the body to release trapped emotions and traumas.
An example of phrases used to tune in and set up could be :
"Even though I'm feeling all this black anger in my chest right now, I'm still an amazing person and even though I have this anger, I can choose to let it go now and I'm safe to let it go" 
EFT does involve talking, however it is not the same as talk therapy. It is not necessary for the person to tell the practitioner everything in order for the process to work. The real magic happens simply by tuning into the body and recognizing what emotions sit where, and what memories are attached to these emotions.

If you're interested in checking out the credibility of EFT, I've provided some websites at the bottom of this page for external websites and other practitioners who might be able to give you a deeper understanding around EFT and it's efficacy. 


What is Matrix Reimprinting?

Matrix Reimprinting is similar to the original EFT process but it allows you to dive deeper to discover the origin of negative core beliefs that are holding you back from reaching your full potential. The process of EFT it is like watching a movie, whereas Matrix is like being a part of that movie but in a very safe way, with all the wisdom and guidance that we know today. 
It is similar to inner child work, where we connect with the past self - which I refer to as an ECHO - in the moment or directly after the moment of trauma. Through tapping and talking with our ECHO/ Inner child we can quickly discover what beliefs they have formulated about themselves and the world. And beliefs shape everything, from how we feel, to how people interact with us, to what kind of job and humanly experience we have. If we have negative core beliefs, the world will portray that back to us in a myriad of different ways. Such as abusive partners, poor health, obesity, financial problems etc etc. 

Addressing and overcoming negative core beliefs allows us to change our relationship with the past, ourselves and others. It can help shift our perspective and outlook on life whilst positively affecting our emotional and physical health in the present. This is an empowering process that can produce extraordinary results and insights, to help you move forward with your life.



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